The Intergenerational Nature of Community.
By Kirsten Rohde.
This evening (Wednesday) I went to our summer camp’s evening campfire circle. I haven’t been around the camp activities this week as I had other engagements. However, I knew that the camp staff made the community Mother Drum on Saturday and then the campers all completed their drums today. So I felt a little like a welcome visitor (or perhaps the eView reporter!) to the circle and experienced the ceremony of each camper receiving the drum they had made, along with the gift of a drumstick from Lori Boess who has provided the drum-making experience. Fred Jamison (Beaver Chief’s son), who joined the camp with partner Lily, blessed each drum with Lori. At this point none of the drums had yet been played. I was very impressed with the expectant stillness of the campers for quite a long time as Fred and Lori went around the entire circle blessing each drum in turn. And then the drums were played, led by our Mother Drum, also having a first public playing at the circle. I was grateful to be present to a sacred and cultural experience that Fred and Lori invited the camp into (and to play on the Mother Drum myself) . I looked at the little boy sitting next to me as Fred read some words about the meaning of the drumbeat. The boy appeared just so attentive to what was happening, as he held his own drum.
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