FELLOWSHIP FOR INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY This Web site serves the growing communities movement. We provide important information and access to crucial resources for seekers of community, existing and forming communities, and other friends of community.
To coordinate the exchange of information and resources between NW intentional Communities and others.
Facilitate communication and networking between local, regional, and national intentional communities organizations.
Ascertain and promote intentional communities aims and values that contribute most to community sustainability.
Foster and assist the study of and education on all major elements of intentional communities.
Assist organizing and financing efforts of and for intentional communities.
CULTURAL CREATIVES In this era, our biggest challenges are to preserve and sustain life on the planet and find a way past the overwhelming spiritual and psychological emptiness of modern life. Cultural Creatives are responding to these challenges with solutions directed toward healing and integration.
We have followed Paul H. Ray, Ph.D. since he was first published in Yes! magazine many years ago. We recommend a book he co-authors with Sherry Ruth Anderson, Ph.D., The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World. We have found it confirming of our work.
INSTITUTE FOR COMMUNITARIAN POLICY STUDIES The Communitarian Network is a coalition of individuals and organizations who have come together to shore up the moral, social, and political environment. We are a nonsectarian, nonpartisan, international association.”
The founder of the Communitarian movement, Amitai Etzioni, lays out the blueprint for how in the 1990s Americans can move forward--together. His book, The Spirit of Community, calls for a re-awakening of our allegiance to the shared values and institutions that sustain us--from our marriages and families, our schools and neighborhoods, and extending to our nation itself. In proposing a new balance between our rights as individuals and our social responsibilities, this controversial and groundbreaking book articulate the emerging social attitudes of the 1990 and helps you understand the communitarian premise.
FOUNDATION OF GLOBAL COMMUNITY The Foundation for Global Community, a nonprofit educational organization, is dedicated to building a world that functions for the benefit of all life. For over 50 years, the Foundation has been helping individuals find meaning and value in their lives and advancing the concept of global community through courses, workshops, projects, publications, and special events.
COMMUNAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION To encourage and facilitate the preservation, restoration, and public interpretation of America’s historic communal sites. Founded in 1975 as the National Historic Communal Societies Association, the CSA has expanded its focus in recent years to include the study of contemporary and international communal societies.
Dr. Hoff has presented at Association meetings and some of our members have attended as well. Their journal, Communal Societies: A Journal of the Communal Studies Association is read here by many.
INSTITUTE FOR NOETIC SCIENCES For decades, the Institute of Noetic Sciences has been at the forefront of research and education in consciousness and human potential. From the beginning we have pursued this inquiry through rigorous science.
We honor open-minded approaches and strive to bring discernment to our work. We are not a spiritual sect, political-action group, or single cause institute.”
Several members of our community are members and attend their offerings locally. This organization offers workshops throughout the world.
Positive Futures Network is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting people's active engagement in creating a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world. PFN is the publisher of YES! A Journal of Positive Futures.
Alternative Press Award: YES! magazine has been nominated for an Alternative Press Award in the new category, New Paradigm/Emerging Culture. Utne Reader issues the awards to “the best of the alternative press” each year.
SNOW SOUND NON VIOLENT OPPONENTS OF WAR We are a member organization of Sound Nonviolent Opponents of War. They are: "A Puget Sound area coalition working to prevent escalation of war in Iraq and elsewhere. "...each snowflake is gentle and delicate, but together they can shut down a city..."Together, we can shut down the war machine!"