The Goodenough Community Code of Conduct

For the safety and wellbeing of myself and the Goodenough Community, I commit to practicing right relationship to myself and others in thought, words and action.
● I take responsibility for how I manage and express my emotions, and for my mental health
● I ask for time, silence or prayer when I need to tend to my thoughts or emotions, or when I recognize that need within a group
● I am honest with myself about my own boundaries, and am discerning where I place my trust
● I am willing to own my part in co-creating a difficult situation
● I am accountable for the impact of my words, attitudes and behaviors, even if offered with good intent
● I am curious, open to feedback, and willing to learn. I set aside the need to be “right” or to “fix”
● I acknowledge my mistakes, apologize, make amends and take responsibility for making changes
● I uphold civility by speaking to and of others with compassion, kindness, tact and respect
● I maintain confidentiality, and seek permission before sharing another’s experience
● I speak and act in alignment with my truth
● I listen actively, deeply and with humility, and allow others to express themselves fully
● I acknowledge what has been said before the conversation moves on
● I ask questions for deeper understanding, and to avoid assumptions and projections
● I avert triangulation. I talk to others directly and promptly to clear hurts and misunderstandings, even if those conversations are challenging
● I avoid collusion by speaking up when I witness words and behaviors that are not in the best interest of individuals or the community
● I express gratitude to others
● I commit to behaving with honesty and integrity
● I make agreements that I intend to keep, and I communicate in a timely manner if I cannot keep my word
● I foster a sense of belonging within myself and others
● I support authentic expression by cultivating a safe environment in which to be vulnerable
● I prevent coercion by requesting and receiving consent; for example, before offering feedback, advice or touch
● I respect the boundaries of others, and I accept that ‘no’ means ‘no’
● I avoid words and behaviors that are judgmental or shaming
● I seek appropriate support when my skills and efforts don’t feel adequate to manage my emotions, including anger, or to restore trust and right relationship
● I abide by the GEC’s Code of Conduct when interacting with children (in progress)
● I practice respect for my physical environment, my relational environment, and the land and its inhabitants