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Church Candles



PATHWORK is a self-development series designed for both beginners and experienced lifetime learners, seriously interested in incorporating into their lives proven spiritual practices, gleaned from the perennial wisdom of the world’s major religions. 


The circle meets bi-monthly, on Sundays, from 7 - 9 pm and you are invited to attend one or more evenings, without commitment to the entire series. Pathwork is lead by Goodenough Community Lay Leadership.


Programs express a carefully designed curriculum covering:


  •  Self-understanding and development.

  •  Understanding relationships and how to work with them.

  •  Learning to join; learning to serve—making social contribution


These practices are combined with current understandings of human development, from cognitive behaviorism and transpersonal psychology. The Goodenough Community has been testing and refining these practices over time, for deepening our awareness of what it can mean to be “fully human”, in a superficial world of chaos, alienation and random violence.


Share in a Safe and Supportive Environment

The series was designed by Dr. John L. and Colette M. Hoff, founders of the Goodenough Community. 


Dates and Times

The circle meets bi-monthly on Sunday evenings unless it is a holiday or holiday weekend. For a current schedule please reach out to

"It is our belief that a spiritual quest, while fashioned by each individual seeker following their own path, is well-served by a circle of friends on similar quests, sharing the highs and lows of this journey in a mutually supporting experience, led by seasoned, compassionate guides."
– Phil Stark

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