Imagine: It's an MLK weekend morning in the Potlatch dining room, and Kirsten is seated with others around a dining table, briefly reviewing her list of activities for the Nature Systems weekend. Kirsten and her Nature Systems team members - Rosemary and Shani, officially - are chatting briefly with others around the same table, and there is a lightness and sense of appreciation among all who are there, joining in with their goodwill and energy - Tom George, Pam Jarrett-Jefferson, Phil Buchmeier, Hal Smith, Hollis Ryan, and Elizabeth Jarrett-Jefferson. Several express their appreciation for the chance to spend time together "in person." We all are missing Laura, who became ill at the last minute and could not attend the weekend she had planned.
This is how the weekend lives in me, a series of scenes or snapshots of all of you who were here this weekend. My deep appreciation (from Pam and me as your Sahale managers) for the hard work, planning, grace, hard work, joviality, and hard work for the weekend: (did I mention hard work?)
Kirsten writes Laura a loving phone text, wishing her well as she and husband Joe recover from Covid. EJ takes inspiration from her writing style!
Despite a busy weekend on hand for themselves, Hal and Hollis drive out to join the effort on Sunday morning!
Kirsten and Hollis make a deep-cleaning overhaul of the greenhouse, adjacent to the Potlatch dining room, daring to go into uncharted waters of stuff to be cleaned out, recycled, discarded, taken to local charities.
Shani, Phil, and Rose manage the food service for the weekend - generosity, abundance, warmth, conviviality surround meal times. A delicious menu has been planned by Laura, whose preparations and meal choices work out very well and are a model for future Nature Systems gatherings.
Rose and Phil bring home made cherry pie - even with a luscious gluten-free crust!
Rose and EJ have shopped for the weekend. There is abundance that will help support the next Nature Systems weekend in early February;
Tom and Pam walk around the property, eyeballing trees that need to be thinned, discussing other trees and a strategy for felling at the next Nature Systems weekend (fire prevention and mitigation planning).
Phil and Rose bring libations for happy hour, and others contribute snacks and other beverages to share.
Shani greets Elise, a guest for our weekend, who is arriving from Sweden and driving to Sahale on Friday night. Shani has driven all the way from Portland to support the weekend, and also performs the important task of greeting, orienting, and welcoming Elise ( arrived about 10:30 PM after landing at SeaTac from Sweden). Shani has been corresponding with Elise for several weeks in advance, coordinating her visit.
I see Tom, Rose, and Phil, late afternoon Sunday after most haver departed the weekend, raking leaves, pruning, putting equipment away, still hard at work.
Tommy is wearing his handy limb-cutting saw in a sheath hooked to his belt.
Tom and Phil are hard at work pruning and thinning trees.
Kirsten is taking notes and tracking the activities for the weekend, also working hard outside on several gardening activities.
Shani writes a lovely email to Laura, thanking her for her menu planning and meticulous attention to detail (it takes one to know one:). Laura responds gracefully via email from her Covid bed!
Laura has continued to announce and coordinate dates in advance, via the Village View, for Nature Systems weekends on the community event calendar;
Pam tackles even more the Mamook pantry area, making room for kitchen equipment, reviewing storage inventory, planning for additional retention of food and equipment, and anticipates guest needs for the summer of 2025. She has collaborated in advance for the weekend with Laura and Kirsten.
In advance, Sky has cleaned out and defrosted all three freezers in the pantry area.
After a hard working day, Phil arises early on Sunday morning and treats us all to sourdough pancakes!
Shani prepares lunches and dinner gracefully and seemingly effortlessly. She locates the food processor in spite of EJ's forgetting twice to locate it for her.
There is a roaring fire in the pit-to-go area, a tradition of Sahale weekends! Camaraderie and conviviality abound.
EJ prepares for the weekend in advance, managing lodging arrangements, doing preliminary cleaning of the Potlatch pantry, guest refrigerator, walk-in cooler, and collaborating with the Nature Systems leadership team, and collaborating guest-room and potlatch deep cleaning with Michele, Sahale's housekeeper.
Rose, Shani and EJ wrestle dishes to the ground (and the dishwasher/sanitizer).
We all see cat friends Matlock and Mindy enjoying extra pets and food!
On behalf of your Sahale, thank you for everything you continue to bring to Sahale and to our community.
With Appreciation,
Pam and Elizabeth, your Sahale managers