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Wisdom, Mystery, Laughter...

Kirsten Rohde. About 2016 Women's Weekend.

I feel so fortunate to have been part of such a good weekend for women. Led by Hollis Ryan, Colette Hoff and their team: Elizabeth Jarrett-Jefferson, Rose Buchmeier, Evelyn Cilley, Joan Valles, and Margenta Gray, we had a truly enjoyable time together at Sahale. When I try to describe this weekend, I find that superlatives don’t really work. So here is a sentence from Elizabeth Davis and Carol Leonard, from The Women’s Wheel of Life that captures it: “Mystery is defined as that which is beyond understanding, that which baffles or perplexes, that which is profound and known only by revelation.” 

When I spend a larger portion of life than I wish engaged in mental pursuits, listening to news of a humanity that seems to have lost its way, and generally too much thinking, it is a relief to be reminded that there are other ways to access what is real and good. During the weekend, I enjoyed the sound of women’s voices, telling stories, laughing, singing, and facing up to challenges of living. 

Being in the natural world of Sahale was full of color, sounds, smells – an aliveness all around. My senses seemed to take in more than usual. 


Here’s another couple phrases from the same authors: “the influx of knowledge beyond reason …


And as we share this knowledge, we reclaim the power and wisdom inherent in being women.” 

I’m grateful to all of us for what we created together.

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